Advanced metrics, easily added, for your GraphQL API

Data points

Keep track of your schema history with Changelog

Having multiple teams working against the same GraphQL schema? With Changelog you get a list of all changes that have happened in your schema - right in the inbox or on Slack.


Deploy and observe deprecated fields

After deprecating a field it can become hard to know when it’s safe to remove it all together. With GraphQL Metrics you can see a list of all your fields on a schema, how much they’re being used and by which clients so that you can remove any deprecated fields safely.


Get started in minutes

GraphQL Metrics is really easy to get started. Simply sign up for an account and start measuring performance within minutes.


Identify and fix any slow queries

Got a query that’s making multiple N+1 queries? GraphQL Metrics helps you identify the queries that has the biggest negative impact on your performance and lets you drill down to finding the underlying issue, in everything from N+1 to slow resolve times.

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